I can get by with a little help from my friends….

What a life we lead huh?! This photo was taken 10 years ago in Ft. Riley, KS. The two amazing Soldiers to my right and left were my squad leaders and we were getting ready to push out at the end of our annual training that day. I was just thinking about how, without good friends like these fellas, I would have been a bit lost. We held each other up, looked after one another, covered each others backsides and provided needed laughter through tumultuous times. We really can get by with a little help from our friends. Those song lyrics for some reason have been resonating in my head today and this photo happened to pop up in my memories on social media too.

All that said, I thought today I would write up a quick blog knowing at least one of my buddies here is facing yet another deployment to the sand box and this time as a 1SG. I am speaking of my good friend Bates on my right. He will once again risk life and limb for his people and for his country. So this is an ode to you brother. Bates is genuine and loyal. He brought out what was best in me while in uniform. A true Soldier and Leader. Intelligent, strong willed and without a doubt brave. We traveled to hell and back together in Iraq and I wouldn’t want anyone else covering my 6 in a fight. Bates, God’s speed brother on this, your next adventure. Take good care of those troops and carry the hell on!

I hope today, you too, will take time to thank a friend for helping you get by. You know the ones who covered your back in a fight, cried with you, laughed with you, held you together when you were falling apart. I know they’d love to hear it from you. After all we can all use a little help from our friends.




The chicken or the egg..