How best to love

Jayden and little bro Jrue

Yesterday I was interviewed in preparation for being the keynote speaker for ASU’s College of Integrative Arts and Sciences (CISA) and an interesting question was asked of me. I had mentioned that I turned 50 recently and that I want to begin what I call leaving a legacy of love this next possibly half of my life time. The interviewer was intrigued by this and said, I am really interested in what you said about love, but “how do you go about loving people who just don’t believe the same things you believe or are even sometimes violently opposed to them?” Great question I said! I thought for a moment and I went into the store room in my mind to find the answer. I said, it starts with loving those who are easy to love in your life. Practice real love there. Spend time loving those close to you, to include yourself. Then once you feel like you have that down really well, start with simple acts of kindness towards those who are hard to love. I’ve said this many times and many of you have heard it, “There is no such thing as a Love Crime”. People won’t bar you from showing love and kindness towards them, they most generally don’t turn you away for caring about them so hit them with love. The interviewer seemed satisfied with the answer and believed that might be a practical way to start.

What if all of us went about our days like this I pondered after the interview was over. What if, you and I and everyone we know began loving those who are easy to love, better, and then began to love our enemies. There was as sage Teacher who said that once and I was reminded of the importance of such radical love in our world today. So friends and even enemies who might read this, I look forward to loving you better with each day. Together, in love, we could really solve the issues that presently plague us in our world.


You can change the world?
